German Studies

Faculty Publication from Thomas Schestag

Congratulations to Thomas Schestag on the publication of his new book, "erlaubt, entlaubt"!

erlaubt entlaubt

What are poets allowed to say? What do they allow themselves? And who allows allowing? Do poets who, by virtue of writing, are called poets (Dichter) write under the dictate of a poetic law whose application and adherence to fulfillment or transgression in each poem emerges as an interpretation of the law? Or does the poem dictate (being called Gedicht for precisely that reason), almost in reverse, the law to which it corresponds in the first place? Do poems originate from laws or laws from poems? 

 Unfolding these, and similar questions, the book offers readings of (poetic) license, in Horace, Dante, Kant, Hölderlin, Nietzsche, Benjamin, and Kafka.