German Studies

Student Information

Information on transfer credit, prizes and teaching opportunities.

Transfer Credit

Any student who would like to transfer credit toward a German concentration from another institution in the United States, or from abroad, should talk to the concentration advisor,


First-year students may compete for prizes awarded to those with the best secondary preparation in German. Established in 1913, the Caesar Misch Prize is awarded to a male who excelled in secondary preparation for German. Women are eligible for the Asa Clinton Crowell Prize, established in 1928. Please contact the departmental office for details.

First-year students are also eligible for two prizes awarded for the best performances in Beginning German. These are awarded at the end of the Spring semester.

View Past Award Winners

Teaching Opportunities

Teaching Apprentices

Every Spring semester the Department of German Studies employs four undergraduate Teaching Apprentices for GM 0110 (Intensive Beginning German). Under the supervision of a faculty member, these students are responsible for teaching small conversation sections three times per week. These Teaching Apprentices will normally have studied abroad in Germany, and they should be able to transmit their enthusiasm for learning German to their students. Contact


Each semester, several students are normally hired to work as tutors for two or three hours per week. The tutors meet with individual students who would like extra help with conversation or any other aspect of language learning. Contact

Summer English Teaching in Germany

Occasionally the department is able to facilitate one or two opportunities to teach English in a rural setting in one of the new German states for a month in the summer. Home stay makes this program attractive to students of German. Contact

Additional Information

Many of our current and former students have been awarded fellowships and other prizes recognizing their academic excellence.
The Concentration in German Studies offers students an interdisciplinary approach to German culture in a wide variety of areas.